The Annotated Edition of Home Education (Volume 1) includes the full, unabridged text of Charlotte Mason's original work: Home Education. All her words and wisdom have been retained while, at the same time, certain updates have been made for you, the modern reader.
Charlotte wrote her six volumes of the Home Education Series from 1885-1921. Her frequent references can leave today's reader a bit frustrated, as she assumed that her readers would understand the context for each person, event, or book that she mentions. Without that context, the wisdom of her words can seem veiled and inaccessible for many readers.
Our goal in adding annotations is to highlight Charlotte's text and make it easier to read so that you gain a deeper understanding of her words and meaning.
Once you understand the references and the context, it is the key to unlocking the gate. You are no longer bogged down with unfamiliar terminology and references. The words soar.
The text has been updated with a modern font that is easier to read.American spellings, not British, are used throughout.The original page numbers, as published in earlier editions of Charlotte's volumes, are in the margins so you can easily cross-reference other editions or study guides.Annotations have been added.The annotations provide context to help you better understand Charlotte's frequent references to the people, events, and culture of her time.
Gain a deeper understanding of Charlotte Mason's philosophy with the Annotated Editions from A Charlotte Mason Plenary.
For more information about the Charlotte Mason method of education, visit CMPLENARY.COM.