Holy Water is a work of humorous fiction, suitable for all readers due to its tasteful use of innuendo over crude language. A satirical tale of religion, business and family ties, we meet Alphonso when he is at the peak of his career as a drug lord in his home country of Mexico. After infiltrating the Vatican and gaining a monopoly on the titular Holy Water, the novel turns surreal as a new Pope, courtesy of Alphonso, colludes in many crazy ventures not the least is the production and distribution of Holy Water and the purchase of a university through which drug money is laundered. But there's lots more. Alphonso's son turns out to be LGBTQ and his wife a worshipper of Gloria Steinem. And there's still more. This is a well written and humorous comedy story that will suit fans of surreal plot twists and anarchistic humor. Every line is well placed to deliver humor, with zippy dialogue, puns, and in-jokes that only grow in mirth as the reading experience continues.