With solid scholarship and exceptional clarity, the Holman Concise Bible Commentary gives readers a feel for the key themes and intentions of all 66 books in the Bible. But don't mistake concise for incomplete; this volume also contains detailed introductions to the ten...
Sports historian and author Donald Hubbard captures the spirit of the Boston Celtics in this unforgettable and entertaining collection of memories and observations. Featuring tales from the club's founding under Walter Brown in 1946 to the golden eras of Bill Russell and Larry...
El Comentario B blico Conciso Holman, con su excelente erudici n y excep- cional claridad, brinda a los lectores una primera impresi n sobre los temas clave y los prop sitos de los 66 libros de la Biblia. Sin embargo, no hay que confundir conciso con incompleto. Este volumen...
With solid scholarship and exceptional clarity, the Holman Concise Bible Commentary gives readers a feel for the key themes and intentions of all 66 books in the Bible. But don't mistake concise for incomplete; this volume also contains detailed introductions to the ten major...
El Comentario Bblico Conciso Holman , con su excelente erudicin y excep- cional claridad, brinda a los lectores una primera impresin sobre los temas clave y los propsitos de los 66 libros de la Biblia. Sin embargo, no hay que confundir conciso con incompleto. Este volumen tambin...
Aveces un comentario de varios volumenes dice mas de lo que uno necesita saber. A veces uno solo quiere consultar una obra sencilla y directa. El Comentario Biblico Conciso Holman -erudicion biblica, estilo dinamico, preguntas didacticas- se presenta en porciones faciles de consumir...