Reading just twenty minutes a day has been shown to have a transformative impact on our physical and mental health. It decreases anxiety, fosters good sleep, and improves brain function. It even makes us nicer people! Learn about the many benefits of reading and get tips on how, when, and what to read!
ThriftBooks, through our ThriftBooks Cares program, has always prioritized donating books into communities across the country. Today, Giving Tuesday, is a day where we more publicly share our community involvement and impact and allow all of our customers to be a part of it as well.
ThriftBooks is ringing in a milestone anniversary this year—twenty! In celebration, here are twenty terrific book-to-screen adaptations, spanning a variety of genres, that have come out since we were born.
Book-to-screen adaptations can be a great way to inspire kids to pick up a book. Make it a family project. Read the book, watch the movie and discuss the difference between the two. Read on for 25 literature-inspired films for a range of ages.
The holidays are all about family traditions. This holiday season, discover how you can begin a new holiday tradition with your favorite childhood books.