my husband and i moved to japan this summer for a short 3 month visit and i wanted to read a novel while we were here. the travel bookstore in our area only had this book in the japanese section so i decided to give it a go. i just finished the book today and have nothing but great things to say. first off, his writing is hysterical. i found myself laughing out loud throughout the book - driving my husband crazy of course!...
I just finished this book today. My wife bought it prior to a 16 day trip to Japan, and is still reading it. Although the book chronicles his hitchiking from south to north in Japan, supposedly tied in with the sakura front (the blossoming of cherry blossoms as they move north) it is the best book I have ever read to gain insight into the Japanese mentality and attitudes. I've been there many times, but this book was like...
If you like traveling cheap, and meeting great people as you do it, this book is for you. The small cultural details included are invaluable as you will constantly run into them. The travels plans laid out are specific and don't leave much room for guesswork. Make a special note of the importance of visiting Kyoto and Nara. This area is most like the old traditional Japan. Happy Hitchhiking!
I'm still in the middle of this book at the moment, but I'm having such a wonderful time reading it that I felt like I had to jump in with a comment. Ferguson is frank and blunt, but has a wonderful sense of humor. He's far from easy on the Japanese in his assessment of them, yet every observation is so personal and thoughtful that you're convinced his thoughts are motivated by only the most wholesome love and concern...
Canadian author Ferguson, a teacher in Japan for a number of years, hitches from the bottom of the island nation to the top. Invaluable stories provided of what happens along the way: best way to understand the Japanese, and especially their view and interactions with Westerners. Unlike many tourists, Ferguson doesn't care for museums (though he does provide some really nice background history on many locations, customs,...