The philosophical timeline: from antiquity through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and modern times to the present.
The aspects of philosophy are complex and particularly vast due to its 2,000 year history. In the different eras of time, philosophy has changed several times and countless currents and forms have been added, which could not be summarized in the largest book. In addition, the study of philosophy in the present day deals with subjective thoughts of former philosophers who shared and wrote down their own view of the world with the following generations. Rarely, therefore, does it come to objective observations that can help the budding philosopher with his own views on the future.
For this purpose, this book has been written, which deals objectively with the last 2,000 years, so that budding philosophers who have not studied or are still young can create their own views on the world.
The contents of the book are:
- Introduction to Philosophy
- The basic rules of philosophy
- A timeline of philosophy
- The philosophy of antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance & modern times
- The Practical Philosophy
- Conclusion
Described in this book of more than 100 pages is the philosophical time span, which brought many new developments and insights, up to the present day, in which general philosophy can once again be applied in people's everyday lives, just as it once was.
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