""His Majesty's Well-Beloved: An Episode In The Life Of Mr. Thomas Betterton As Told By His Friend John Honeywood"" is a historical fiction novel written by Emmuska Orczy and published in 1919. The story revolves around the life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, a renowned actor during...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
""His Majesty's Well-Beloved"" is a historical fiction novel written by Emmuska Orczy and published in 1919. The story is set in 17th century England and follows the life of Mr. Thomas Betterton, a famous actor and theatre manager, as told by his friend John Honeywood. The novel...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
An Episode in the Life of Mr. Thomas Betteron as told by His Friend John. "After that memorable Day, Mistress, we were like naughty Children who were being punished for playing truant out of School. For Weeks and Months our Lives went on with dreary monotony, with never a chance...
Baroness Emma Magdolna Roz lia M ria Jozefa Borb la "Emmuska" Orczy de Orci (23 September 1865 - 12 November 1947) was a Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright. She is best known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel, the alter ego of Sir Percy Blakeney,...
Baroness Emma Magdolna Roz lia M ria Jozefa Borb la "Emmuska" Orczy de Orci (23 September 1865 - 12 November 1947) was a Hungarian-born British novelist and playwright. She is best known for her series of novels featuring the Scarlet Pimpernel, the alter ego of Sir Percy Blakeney,...