""Hiram Rises As Christ"" is a book written by Henry Pirtle. It is a historical fiction novel that explores the life of Hiram Abif, a master craftsman and central figure in the legend of the building of Solomon's Temple. The story follows Hiram's journey as he rises to become...
Hiram Rises As Christ is a book written by Henry Pirtle. The book is a work of historical fiction that explores the life of Hiram Abiff, a central figure in Freemasonry. Hiram Abiff is believed to have been a master craftsman who was responsible for the building of King Solomon's...
""Hiram Rises As Christ"" is a novel written by Henry Pirtle. The book revolves around the life of a young man named Hiram, who is a member of a secret society called the Freemasons. Hiram is a talented and ambitious individual, and he rises through the ranks of the society quickly...