Chlorine is the most widely used oxidizing element for bleaching. Chlorine is also used as a disinfecting agent in many applications such as water and air treatment, food processing, etc., but it has a limited effect in killing bacteria, it produces an irritating odor and bad taste and also produces some chemical byproducts. Ozone does not generate any residues and harmful byproducts during the process. It is used in many industries such as paper mills, cement mills for cooling tower applications and also disinfecting element for food processing, water, and air treatment. The ozone is generated both naturally and artificially. The natural method generates low-level ozone concentration, so it cannot be used for industrial purpose. Artificially it can be generated in many ways such as Ultraviolet (UV) treated Corona discharge, Electrolysis, and Radiochemical method. Corona discharge method is the most commonly used method. In corona discharge method, the oxygen is supplied through two plates (called Electrodes) in the presence of high voltage. As a result, ozone is generated. The high voltage is generated by different methods. Much work is carried over in the application of ozone and ozone generation method.
High voltage is generated from line voltage of 230 V, 50Hz using step up transformer. However, in this method, large size transformer is required to convert low voltage AC to high voltage AC. Therefore the supply is not compact. These problems are solved by increasing the operating frequency of the system. There were several converter configurations proposed for artificial ozone generators. All these converters were designed to produce high-frequency supply. The high frequency is generated using different inverter topologies such as fly back, forward, push-pull, half bridge and full bridge. The use of high- frequency power supplies for ozone generation offers advantages such as an increase in the power density applied to the ozonizer electrode chamber surface and increase in ozone production for a given surface area while decreasing the necessary peak voltage. The high-frequency inverter has more switching losses. It affects the system performance. The efficiency, amount of ozone production and supply power quality are still main concerns. Therefore the current research is focused on the design prototype development and testing of power supply converter with better efficiency and better ozone production. The work is also focused on supply power factor improvement.