his is Dr. Crane's sixteenth published book. The purpose of this book is to show how important every member of the church is to its health and success. Every Christian is gifted to serve Christ at their conversion and baptism. If they discover what their gifts are and use them, they are blessed and so is the church.
Too often, many people who are crucial to the health and work of the church go unnoticed and unappreciated. This book's purpose is to honor these Hidden Faith Heroes. Hopefully every reader will become aware that they have been given special gifts by the Holy Spirit. Hopefully many readers will discover their gifts and begin to use them.
These stories are all true. Some names have been changed to protect the individual's privacy. Many of the people have passed on to their rewards. Some stories are happy, some sad, and most are encouraging. There is a section on Spiritual Gifts, Heaven, and Hell. There is a section showing how God directs the lives of Christians who use their gifts. The book ends with a strong call to accept Christ.