Hertha is a novel written by Fredrika Bremer in 1856. The story follows the life of a young woman named Hertha, who is determined to live an independent life and break free from the traditional gender roles of her time. Hertha is a strong-willed and intelligent woman, who refuses...
Hertha is a novel written by Swedish author Fredrika Bremer and published in 1856. The story follows the life of the titular character, Hertha, a young woman living in Sweden during the mid-19th century. Hertha is a strong-willed and independent woman who challenges the traditional...
Hertha (1856). This book, "Hertha", by Fredrika Bremer, Howitt Mary Botham, is a replication of a book originally published before 1856. It has been restored by human beings, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1856. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that...
Reprint of the original, first published in 1856. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that...