Here Comes Ingo is the story of Ingo, a scarlet macaw who while nursing her eggs in the hole of a dead canopy tree drifts off to sleep and dreams of flying about into the lush evergreen forest she calls home. Ingo's dream is a beautiful visual story that exemplifies a progression of thinking leading towards love, kindness and inclusion because the world needs more empathetic, understanding and tolerant children. At first, things may not seem to make much sense. After all, it is not every day that 4-8 year olds get to come face to face with a shark eating cupcakes with gusto or a merry band of birds& frogs piggybacking on a chubby fish or even a solitary wolf improbably wrapped in a rainbow. Yet, page after page of exquisitely crafted compositions encourage children to resist feeling discouraged or scared in front of the unexpected and the unknown. Much like Ingo, they are to rely on their own ability to embrace what at first may seem strange in order to fully enjoy the book. Equally importantly, Ingo's flying adventures invite children to put their thinking hats on and figure out what the characters are thinking, feeling and doing thus teaching them about setting, structure flow and attention to detail. As with the best of books, at the conclusion of the story, the journey is not over. Ingo invites children to visit again and again in order to expand on Ingo's dream world following into the tradition of classic books such as Good Night, Gorilla, The Adventures of Polo, Tuesday, Where's Walrus, Sea of Dreams and The Red Book.