""Her Rescue From The Turks"" is a historical novel written by St. George Rathborne and published in 1896. The story is set in the early 19th century and follows the adventures of the protagonist, a young woman named Evelyn Montclair, who is captured by the Turks during a war...
Her Rescue From The Turks is a novel written by St. George Rathborne and published in 1896. The story is set during the time of the Ottoman Empire and follows the journey of a young woman named Edith as she is captured by Turkish soldiers during a war. Edith is taken to a harem...
Her Rescue From The Turks is a novel written by St. George Rathborne and published in 1896. The story is set in the Ottoman Empire during the late 19th century and follows the adventures of a young American woman named Edith Varian. Edith is captured by Turkish soldiers while...