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Animals Bears Children's Children's Books Family Life Nature Science, Nature & How It Works SleepI have all three of the Tightwad Gazette books, and they are all fabulous. True, some of Amy's ideas are a little extreme, but, then again, do we all decorate our cookies with as much precision as Martha Stewart? The point is to go through the book and pick out the ideas that work for you. Using Amy's tips, I have managed to sock away enough money to fund an emergency savings account and pay for a trip to Paris.
Anyone who has ever felt a little envious of a neighbor or said "Gee, I wish could afford a house/staying home with the kids/starting a business/traveling/etc." MUST read one of Amy's books. The basic philosophy as I understand it is just this: skip the temporary, one-time expenditures and spend the bucks on a more lasting investment (house/kids/business/early retirement/whatever YOU dream of). I received an economics...
Other tightwad books are out there. Most of them are not by Amy Dacyczyn. Therein lies tjhe difference. Her books are original, well-researched, and full of ideas that will HONESTLY save you money. It's clear from the choices the Dacyzyns have made that they practice what they preach. The books are not padded with recipes, but those that do get included are usually good. I sorely miss the newsletter but reading through...
Anyone that is tired of having "more month at the end of the money" needs this book (and the other Tightwad Gazette books). There are many helpful money saving ideas in all 3 books. This book (and the other 2) are VERY MOTIVATIONAL when my "tightwad resolve" is slipping. I read these books over and over and over again. They will help the "budding" tightwad and the "old-hand" tightwad with new ideas or just remind you of things...
As the successful founder of "The Tightwad Gazette," a penny-pinching newsletter, Amy Dacyczyn is the most dangerous woman in consumer America, the land where anything new is good, anything old must be thrown away, and you can't be too rich, too thin, or too much in debt.The Gazette is a combination of practical advice and investigative reporting, spiced with Dacyczyn's essays explaining her philosophy behind tightwaddery...