Hector's Inheritance or The Boys of Smith Institute is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story follows the life of Hector Roscoe, a young boy who inherits a large sum of money from his late grandfather. With this newfound wealth, Hector is sent to Smith Institute, a prestigious...
Hector's Inheritance: Or The Boys Of Smith Institute is a classic novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. and originally published in 1885. The story follows the life of Hector Roscoe, a young boy who is orphaned and sent to live with his uncle, a wealthy businessman named Mr. Roscoe...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...
"Hector's Inheritance" from Horatio Alger Jr.. Prolific 19th-century American author (1832-1899).
Hector's Inheritance: Or The Boys Of Smith Institute (1885) is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story follows the life of Hector Roscoe, a young orphan who is sent to the Smith Institute, a prestigious boarding school for boys. Hector is a hardworking and determined student...
Hector's Inheritance or The Boys of Smith Institute is a novel written by Horatio Alger Jr. The story revolves around Hector Rossmore, a young boy who is orphaned and left with no family or inheritance. He is taken in by his uncle, who sends him to Smith Institute, a prestigious...
A stone's throw from the mansion was a neat and spacious carriage house. The late master of Castle Roscoe had been fond of driving, and kept three horses and two carriages. One of the latter was an old-fashioned coach; while there was, besides, a light buggy, which Hector was...
A stone's throw from the mansion was a neat and spacious carriage house. The late master of Castle Roscoe had been fond of driving, and kept three horses and two carriages. One of the latter was an old-fashioned coach; while there was, besides, a light buggy, which Hector was...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
Mr. Roscoe rang the bell, and, in answer, a servant entered the library, where he sat before a large and commodious desk. "Has the mail yet arrived?" he asked. "Yes, sir; John has just come back from the village." "Go at once and bring me the letters and papers, if there are...