An unexpected disaster transforms Fang Xin from an ordinary insurance salesman into a unique creature in the vast world of Yangtian-a gigantic bird.
His rebirth is filled with confusion and astonishment. Everything familiar has vanished, replaced by feathered wings and breathtaking adventures. Even as a bird, I aspire to become the strongest in this world, soaring above the nine heavens.
In the midst of the chaos, it never occurred to him that water could extinguish fire. Although the beast flame in his abdomen was several times more powerful than ordinary fire, it was fire nonetheless, and could be quenched with water.
Unfortunately, in that life-or-death moment, Fang Xin's mind seemed to short-circuit, and he didn't think to use external water to extinguish the weak beast flame within him.
Luckily, Fang Xin was fortunate. In a state of extreme unwillingness, he bit his lip, and his blood flowed into his abdomen, extinguishing the weak beast flame.