An unexpected disaster transforms Fang Xin from an ordinary insurance salesman into a unique creature in the vast world of Yangtian-a gigantic bird.
His rebirth is filled with confusion and astonishment. Everything familiar has vanished, replaced by feathered wings and breathtaking adventures. Even as a bird, I aspire to become the strongest in this world, soaring above the nine heavens.
Xiang Yun was originally in a very good mood. He had made a significant contribution to the recent battle and received several compliments from Wu Lie.
Being praised by his usually serious teacher made Xiang Yun feel that the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly. The chirping of the birds in the sky sounded delightful, and even the rocks and weeds by the roadside appeared beautiful to Xiang Yun. He couldn't help but hum a tune, feeling that everything was wonderful today. As the saying goes, when you're in a good mood, everything looks beautiful.