HEAT WAVE is a tie-in to the ABC primetime show, CASTLE, that premiered in March 2009. The main character of the show, Richard Castle, is a bestselling mystery writer. HEAT WAVE is his next book: Mystery sensation Richard Castle, blockbuster author of the wildly best-selling...
HEAT WAVE is a tie-in to the ABC primetime show, CASTLE, that premiered in March 2009. The main character of the show, Richard Castle, is a bestselling mystery writer. HEAT WAVE is his next book: Mystery sensation Richard Castle, blockbuster author of the wildly best-selling...
The New York Times bestseller, HEAT WAVE, is a tie-in to the ABC primetime show, CASTLE, that premiered in March 2009. The main character of the show, Richard Castle, is a bestselling mystery writer. HEAT WAVE is his newest book: Mystery sensation Richard Castle, blockbuster...
Castle, the hit TV series, premiered in the US in March 2009 and has already been renewed for a second series. The main character, Richard Castle, is the bestselling mystery author of the critically acclaimed Derrick Storm novels. As he is paired up with the hardnosed but sexy...