The finest of all Conrad's tales, Heart of Darkness is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr. Kurtz. What he sees on his journey, and his eventual encounter...
HEART OF DARKNESS*AN OUTPOST OF PROGRESS*KARAIN*YOUTHThe finest of all Conrad's tales, 'Heart of Darkness' is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr...
The finest of all Conrad's tales, 'Heart of Darkness' is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr Kurtz. What he sees on his journey, and his eventual...
Conrad's finest tale, "Heart of Darkness" tells the vivid story of Marlow's journey into the African Congo to meet the menacing Mr. Kurtz. This edition also includes "Youth," "Karain," and "An Outpost of Progress." Together, these four tales provide a panorama of Conrad's exotic...
Set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, Joseph Conrad's ?Heart of Darkness' tells the story of Marlow's journey up the Congo River to meet the remarkable Mr. Kurtz. It reveals Conrad at the height of his powers as a writer of great vividness, intensity, and sophistication...
First serialized in Blackwood's Magazine in 1899, "Heart of Darkness" is the story of steamboat captain Charlie Marlow's voyage into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent...
The finest of all Conrad's tales, Heart of Darkness is set in an atmosphere of mystery and menace, and tells of Marlow's perilous journey up the Congo River to relieve his employer's agent, the renowned and formidable Mr. Kurtz. What he sees on his journey, and his eventual encounter...
Conrad's finest tale, "Heart of Darkness" tells the vivid story of Marlow's journey into the African Congo to meet the menacing Mr. Kurtz. This edition also includes "Youth," "Karain," and "An Outpost of Progress." Together, these four tales provide a panorama of Conrad's exotic...