"Tiller Galloway is a terrific hero . . . A fast-paced, convincing thriller set in an unusual locale." --Baltimore Sun"Plot twists and turns that chart a tricky course through the deep waters of human need and greed." --Ocala Star-Banner"Local atmosphere and a good knowledge...
In a graveyard of the Atlantic, a treacherous sercret has been buried...until now. A U-boat went down in 1945, and now, more than 40 years later, the bodies of the three crewmen have surfaced near Hatteras Island. But their chilling reappearance has unleashed a tide of powerful...
In a graveyard of the Atlantic, a treacherous sercret has been buried until now.A U-boat went down in 1945, and now, more than 40 years later, the bodies of the three crewmen have surfaced near Hatteras Island. But their chilling reappearance has unleashed a tide of powerful...