Journey into the heart of Kentucky with Hannah, a young girl whose life intertwines with the legendary pioneer, Daniel Boone. As her father pledges allegiance to Boone, they find themselves in the throes of wilderness challenges at the fortress of Boonesborough. James...
Hannah of Kentucky: A Story of the Wilderness Road is a historical fiction novel written by James Otis and originally published in 1912. The story takes place in the late 1700s and follows the journey of a young girl named Hannah as she travels with her family along the Wilderness...
Hannah of Kentucky: A Story of the Wilderness Road is a historical fiction novel written by James Otis and published in 1912. The book follows the story of Hannah, a young girl who travels with her family from Virginia to Kentucky in the late 1700s. The journey is made on the...
Hannah of Kentucky: A Story of the Wilderness Road is a historical fiction novel written by James Otis and published in 1912. The book is set in the late 1700s and follows the story of Hannah, a young girl who lives with her family in Virginia. When her father dies, Hannah's...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely...