Tolstoy's final work--a gripping novella about the struggle between the Muslim Chechens and their inept occupiers--is a powerful moral fable for our time. Inspired by a historical figure Tolstoy heard about while serving in the Caucasus, this story brings to life the famed warrior...
In 1851 Leo Tolstoy enlisted in the Russian army and was sent to the Caucasus to help defeat the Chechens. During this war a great Avar chieftain, Hadji Mur d, broke with the Chechen leader Shamil and fled to the Russians for safety. Months later, while attempting to rescue his...
First published in 1914 after Leo Tolstoy's death, "Hadji Murad" was the author's last novel. Drawing upon his own experiences fighting for the Russian army, historical archives, and the true story of the real-life Hadji Murad, the story is a narrative based on actual events...
De la d cada de 1790 - 23 de abril (5 de mayo) de 1852) fue un importante l der varo durante la resistencia de su pueblo, en el rea de influencia del Imperio otomano contra la incorporaci n del C ucaso al Imperio ruso entre 1811 y 1864.
In 1851 Leo Tolstoy enlisted in the Russian army and was sent to the Caucasus to help defeat the Chechens. During this war a great Avar chieftain, Hadji Murad, broke with the Chechen leader Shamil and fled to the Russians for safety. Months later, while attempting to rescue his...
Based on historical events, Tolstoy's beloved final novella tells the story of the rebel leader Hadji Murat--whom Tolstoy described as the leading daredevil of the Caucasus--and of the precarious alliance he forged with his enemies during his final days. Set during the Russian...
Tolstoy's novella blends fiction and historical fact to portray a legendary Avar chieftain who switched sides in the nineteenth-century Russo-Caucasian war. Inspired by the author's military service, Hadji Murád offers riveting views of warfare and treason, murder and vengeance,...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. Hadji Murad is a novella written by Leo Tolstoy from 1896 to 1904 and published posthumously in 1912 (though not in full until 1917). The protagonist is Hadji Murat, an Avar rebel commander who, for reasons of...
Hadji Murat, one of the most feared and venerated mountain chiefs in the Caucasian struggle against the Russians, defects from the Muslim rebels after feuding with his ruling imam, Shamil. Hoping to protect his family, he joins the Russians, who accept him but never put their...
Leo Tolstoy (September 9, 1828 - November 20, 1910) was a Russian writer who earned fame and global renown for his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. Writing during the late 19th century, Tolstoy lived during a literary period in which Realism flourished, and today his two...
"Hadj Murat" es una novela hist rica escrita de primera mano, ya que Tolst i conoci a algunos de sus protagonistas durante su permanencia en el C ucaso. La acci n transcurre en torno a 1850, bajo el reinado del zar Nicol s I, que se caracteriz por llevar a cabo una pol tica...
Los pr logos narrador de la historia con sus comentarios sobre un cardo machacado, pero que a n viven se encuentra en un campo (un s mbolo para el personaje principal), despu s de lo cual y luego comienza a contar la historia de Hadji Murat. Murat es un guerrillero separatista...
Hadji Murad is a novel written by the renowned Russian author Leo Tolstoy and published in 1912. The story takes place in the 19th century and follows the life of Hadji Murad, a Muslim warrior from the Caucasus region who rebels against the Russian Empire. The novel explores...
Hadji Murad Leo Tolstoy Translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude Hadji Murat is a short novel written by Leo Tolstoy from 1896 to 1904 and published posthumously in 1912 (though not in full until 1917). It is Tolstoy's final work. The protagonist is Hadji...
Hadji Murad, is a short novel written by Leo Tolstoy from 1896 to 1904 and published posthumously in 1912 (though not in full until 1917). The theme of struggle while remaining faithful resonated with Tolstoy even though he was in ailing health; later letters suggest this work...
Complete and unabridged paperback edition. Hadji Murad is a novella written by Leo Tolstoy from 1896 to 1904 and published posthumously in 1912 (though not in full until 1917). The protagonist is Hadji Murat, an Avar rebel commander who, for reasons of...