In this sequel to the original Halloween, Laurie Strode (Curtis) -- who, twenty years later -- is still struggling to put her past behind her. Living under the alias Keri Tate in a small town with her 17-year-old son John (Hartnett), she works as the head mistress of a private...
In this sequel to the original Halloween, Laurie Strode (Curtis) -- who, twenty years later -- is still struggling to put her past behind her. Living under the alias Keri Tate in a small town with her 17-year-old son John (Hartnett), she works as the head mistress of a private...
In this sequel to the original Halloween, Laurie Strode (Curtis) -- who, twenty years later -- is still struggling to put her past behind her. Living under the alias Keri Tate in a small town with her 17-year-old son John (Hartnett), she works as the head mistress of a private...