War reveals the true story of what our country has faced since that fateful Tuesday in 2001. Featuring 223 photographs, insightful vignettes and three thought-provoking major essays, War is a powerful collaborative effort from VII, a cutting-edge photo agency cooperatively owned by nine elite photojournalists. The three full-length essays, written by eminent journalists Peter Maass, Remy Ourdan and David Rieff, discuss the three major crises of the...
Great photography. Not much more needs to be said. If you know who these photographers are, you would not be basing your decision to purchase on opinions of strangers, and would just buy the damn thing already.
„War" ist der eindrucksvollste Bildband der in der letzten Zeit erschien. Die Photographen einer der zur Zeit angesagtesten Agentur haben dafür ihre besten Bilder zusammengestellt. Die vom New York des 11. Septembers, über Afghanistan einen Bogen hin zum Irak schlagen und so ein Stück aktuellse Zeitgeschichte dem Betrachter auf eindrückliche Art und Weise nahe bringen. Unter diesen nehmen jene Aufnahmen von James Nachtwey...
This is simply one of the best photojournalistic book ever published. On top of that the essays are extrtemely interesting and complete the narrative of this amazing journey. A bit pricy but worth evey penny.
Valentine's Day can be about more than romantic love. We like to think of it as big-picture love: Love for life. Love for our favorite things. Love for our families. And love for all our friends. Here are fourteen love-themed picture books featuring our favorite characters from kid-lit.