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Composting Sustainability Children's Non-Fiction Children's Children's Books Gardening NatureGreen Thumbs is an easy to understand and fun activity book. Not only do my children enjoy the book, my husband and I have found serveral creative ways to garden.
I never knew milk jugs were so versatile! They can me made into shovels, totes, watering cans, scarecrows, bird-feeders... This book offers creative, inexpensive ways to teach kids about gardening and plants in general. What a great way to learn! All the lessons involve a hands-on activity, not just for fun, but for learning. Kids learn how plants absorb water by putting food-coloring in the water of a cut white carnation...
I love this book. Yes, much of the information can be found online, but I wouldn't have thought to look up some of these things. If you're already an experienced gardener, this book may be a waste of time, but if you're a beginner and want to get your kids involved, it's great for motivating the 'budding' gardener. This book is full of ideas for making gardening tools and materials using everyday household objects, like...