Grandmother Dear is a children's book written by Mary Louisa Molesworth, also known as Mrs. Molesworth, and first published in 1900. The story follows the adventures of two siblings, Peggy and Bobby, who are sent to stay with their grandmother in the countryside while their parents...
Grandmother Dear: A Book For Boys And Girls is a children's novel written by Mary Louisa Molesworth, published in the year 1900. The story revolves around a young girl named Griselda who goes to live with her grandmother in a country house. The book is divided into several chapters,...
This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this...
"Good onset bodes good end." Spenser. "Well?" said Ralph. "Well?" said Sylvia. "Well?" said Molly. Then they all three stood and looked at each other. Each had his or her own opinion on the subject which was uppermost in their minds, but each was equally reluctant to express...
"Good onset bodes good end." Spenser. "Well?" said Ralph. "Well?" said Sylvia. "Well?" said Molly. Then they all three stood and looked at each other. Each had his or her own opinion on the subject which was uppermost in their minds, but each was equally reluctant to express...
"Well," she began, but the "well" this time had quite a different tone from the last; "well," she repeated emphatically, "I'm the youngest, and I suppose you'll say I shouldn't give my opinion first, but I just will, for all that. And my opinion is, that she's just as nice as...