With the decision to launch Operation Overlord weighing heavily on him, Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower must deal with a staff of indignant Britishflag officers the likes of General Bernard Montgomery, and the constantsecond-guessing and cajoling of Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
The pressure mounts further when copies of Overlord codes and plans blow outa War Office window and one remains lost for nearly an hour. An innocent Londonpostman named Paul discovers and reads the missing copy and quickly becomes thetarget of the Allies, who want to keep him from revealing anything, and theNazis, who are desperate to learn what he knows. Hitler appoints SS GeneralWalter Schellenberg to go after the postman and there follows an abduction, achase across Europe, and a drug-induced interrogation at General ErwinRommel's headquarters near Paris. As D-Day approaches, the Germans believethey know where the invasion will occur.
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