"Stand down, drop your weapon " Make me, almighty officer of the peace. And what peace is that which abuses children in the name of discipline, sends poor people off to martyr themselves for an elite nation state, defends policy that allows the rich to get richer and the poor only further poverty, and stockpiles technology - speaking of weapons - that can destroy all life on earth? Riddle me this, folks." (From Got Action: Book Three of the Queen of Hearts Trilogy)
In the final installment of the dark-fantasy trilogy Queen of Hearts, G.V. Loewen allows the reader not a moment to breathe. From the shocking opening scene of resurrection through necrophilia, to the stunning double climax that radically rewrites both Camelot and Calvary, the four loyal friends of Guinevere and their allies finally understand the stakes and scope of their quest.
The question of the history of the world is the same question as is the future of that same world, and on behalf of the entire species, the heroines do not let anyone, or anything, stand in their way to vouchsafe both.
"I have never encountered any novel that compresses narrative so that not only is your heart racing along with that within the breast of each character, but that this very breathlessness is designed to make one realize just how desperate is our own reality. No mere allegory, Queen of Hearts is literally the story of who we are, at this specific historical moment. In the meantime, the climactic final volume grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until the final pages. Got action? Yes, we do." - Avinash Pillay, co-founder of IEC and Vigilance Digital Media, Inc.