A complex and deeply satisfying tale...one part traditional English whodunit and one part shadowy corporate thriller. -Publishers Weekly (starred review) From Reginald Hill, acclaimed mystery writer and winner of the prestigious Diamond Dagger...
"A complex and deeply satisfying tale...one part traditional English whodunit and one part shadowy corporate thriller." -Publishers Weekly (starred review) From Reginald Hill, acclaimed mystery writer and winner of the prestigious Diamond Dagger...
"A complex and deeply satisfying tale...one part traditional English whodunit and one part shadowy corporate thriller." -Publishers Weekly (starred review) From Reginald Hill, acclaimed mystery writer and winner of the prestigious Diamond Dagger...
The brilliant new crime thriller featuring Dalziel and Pascoe from the Top Ten Bestseller, Reginald Hill The locked-room suicide of Pal Maciver exactly mirrors that of his father ten years earlier. In both cases, Pal's stepmother Kay Kafka is implicated. But Kay has...