The modern classic about an idealistic British schoolmaster's influence on his students: "A minor miracle" (The New York Times). Throughout his forty-three-year tenure at Brookfield, "a good public school of the second rate" in eastern England, Arthur Chipping...
Mr. Hilton's classic story of an English schoolmaster.
Mr. Hilton's classic story of an English schoolmaster.
Mr Chipping is a quiet, unassuming teacher at Brookfield Grammar School who follows a strict routine. Until he meets Katherine, who charms him and his students and tells Mr Chipping that education is more than simply the hours spent in the classroom. Mr Chipping develops a sense...
Full of enthusiasm, young English schoolmaster Mr. Chipping came to teach at Brookfield in 1870. It was a time when dignity and a generosity of spirit still existed, and the dedicated new schoolmaster expressed these beliefs to his rowdy students. Nicknamed Mr. Chips, this gentle...
Mr Chipping is a quiet, unassuming teacher at Brookfield Grammar School who follows a strict routine. Until he meets Katherine, who charms him and his students and tells Mr Chipping that education is more than simply the hours spent in the classroom. Mr Chipping develops a sense...