Golem: Legends of the Ghetto of Prague is a novel by Chayim Bloch that tells the story of Rabbi Loew, a Jewish leader in 16th century Prague who creates a golem, a creature made of clay and brought to life through mystical means, to protect his community from persecution. The...
Golem: Legends of the Ghetto of Prague is a novel by Chayim Bloch that tells the story of the famous Jewish legend of the Golem. Set in the 16th century in the Jewish ghetto of Prague, the book follows the life of Rabbi Loew, the leader of the Jewish community, who creates a...
Golem: Legends of the Ghetto of Prague is a novel written by Chayim Bloch. The book is a retelling of the legend of the Golem, a creature made of clay and brought to life by a rabbi in medieval Prague. The story is set in the Jewish ghetto of Prague in the 16th century, where...