A great introduction to gold, silver, and rare coin investing. If you're interested in learning more about gold, silver, and rare coin investing, then this book is a great place to start.
In this book you will also learn:
-How to get your hands on gold and silver and rare coins using successful methods and then turning around and selling for a 100% profit
-To identify gold and silver by markings and by testing, using simple inexpensive techniques
-How to buy gold and silver and coins at the best price
-How to find the honest and best dealers
-Buying and selling on eBay and how to get the greatest deal
-To spot fake gold and silver and coins, so you never get cheated
-The best investment strategy with respect to precious metals
-How to decide whether to buy gold coins or buy silver coins, and when the best time is
-How to buy gold and silver bars and rounds and from whom
-About precious metal ETFs and Precious Metal Mutual Funds and how these investments compare to owning physical gold and silver
-How to determine the rate of return from precious metal investments in any form and from rare coins?