A True-Life Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless In the anniversary edition of this electrifying real-life story, readers are gripped from the first page by the harrowing account of a young man who risked his life to smuggle Bibles through the borders of closed nations. Now,...
This best-seller tells of the young Dutch factory worker's incredible efforts to transport Bibles across closed borders--and the miraculous ways in which God provided for him every step of the way.
"Brother Andrew is living evidence that even in a world composed more and more of sophisticated softies there is still room fo revangelical derring do"..........The Austin Statesman
The classic, true-life thriller of Brother Andrew, who risked everything to smuggle Bibles across closed borders. Over 1 million copies in print!
This book is more exiting than an espionage story with numerous miraculous escapes and many dangers.