Woe unto the inhabitants of the earth, for the first dragon has come
The arrogance the devil must have, with a heart as fat as grease, walking in violence. He is lethal. The table has been set, and the main course is about to begin. It's God's own heart versus the devil's own heart.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are caught between two titans of good and evil as they make moves and counter moves. Mind-bending and life-altering knowledge awaits as we gain an in-depth understanding of God's own heart, His motives, and the devil's. The first dragon, that old serpent Satan, with one third of his angels and devil spirits. You are about to embark on an adventure in God's Word like you have never seen before. This knowledge was known in the first-century church but was lost until now.
Who will you cheer for? God, the devil, or us?