Teach your children about the abundance and generosity of God's creation, and how to have an attitude of gratitude and stewardship towards His works.
God's Gifts is about a little girl learning the story of creation from her Grandma, and why it is so important to be thankful for Him and all that He does. Written in a language children can easily understand, this thoughtful poem takes us through Creation and up to how we can appreciate God's gifts today.
It is so important that children learn from a young age that we must take care of the beautiful world that God made just for us.
Here, at Puppy Dogs & Ice Cream, we believe that children's books are more than just stories - they're vessels of inspiration, education, and imagination. Every book we publish is carefully selected to teach kids valuable lessons that will last a lifetime.
From the publisher who brought to you "Fiona Flamingo", "Right Now, I Am Fine", "Zen Pig", "The Snowman's Song", "Bug Soup", and "The Super Tiny Ghost", "God's Gifts: Gratitude for His Creations" is a welcome addition to our incredible collection of best-selling children's books!