When we have difficult questions, the Bible has answers. Join Rick Warren, pastor and New York Times bestselling author, as he invites us to take a closer look at key biblical figures and the ways in which they faced difficult questions and challenges in their daily...
En Respuestas de Dios a las dificultades de la vida aprenda c?mo manejar de manera b?blica las dificultades que vienen con el diario vivir. Si bien la biblia responde a diferentes preguntas que surgen a diario en el pensamiento, muchas personas no consideran tomarse el tiempo...
In this six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Rick Warren helps you find the simple, straightforward answers in ancient Scripture that lead to purpose, peace and joy... starting today. Drawing from the examples of bible characters who faced...
Se ha preguntado alguna vez...- C mo lidio con el estr s?- C mo me recupero del fracaso?- C mo vencer la depresi n?- C mo vivir por encima de la mediocridad?- C mo tener tranquilidad?- C mo supero mis problemas?- C mo confiar en medio de la crisis?- C mo me met en este l o?-...
Se ha preguntado alguna vez...- C mo lidio con el estr s?- C mo me recupero del fracaso?- C mo vencer la depresi n?- C mo vivir por encima de la mediocridad?- C mo tener tranquilidad?- C mo supero mis problemas?- C mo confiar en medio de la crisis?- C mo me met en este l o?-...
Have you ever wondered... How to cope with stress? How to rebound after failure? How to defeat depression? How to develop a peaceful state of mind? How to overcome problems? How to withstand loneliness? Many people know that the answers to life's difficult questions are found...