In association with "God of War" podcast.
Militant atheists have through criticism made a substantial contribution to our knowledge of God, religion and the Bible. It seems a shame to waste all that good work on atheism when it can be used for defending an alternative concept of God. It is a God concept borne of their criticisms. Yahweh, the God of War was introduced by Richard Dawkins.
The Primary Substance is an introduction to Classical Theism. We can trace this concept of God and God delusion to its beginning.
Richard Dawkins and the God of War introduces the alternative concept of God. Dawkins described the "spaceman" as silly. But he came to realise the importance of his discovery. He could embarrass theologians.
Dan Barker's Yahweh-Christ was meant to be an atheist argument for Christ not having existed. He concluded the Christ of the gospels said he was Yahweh the God of War, a mythical creature. Another way of looking at this, the reality of Yahweh is tied into the reality of Christ.
How to get from Yahweh to Christ replaces Immaculate Conception with IVF third party surrogacy. At last, the spaceman is given traction.
The Yahweh Theory of Everything brings cosmology into the argument. This is about Catholic priest Georges Lema tre who came up with the earliest version of the Big Bang theory in 1927. Big Bang is used to define the concept of God. It is a definition of God which works for the spaceman.
Shrines Without a Yahweh looks into an archeological discovery of 2012. Shrines pertaining to the era of King David (c. 1,000 BC) were claimed by theists as proof of belief in theism. I claim the shrines for the God of War.
The Pilate Stone is archaeological evidence for Pilate the Governor of Judea. It is argued that he was the co-founder of the earliest form of Christianity.
The Greek Perception is about the findings of Lucian of Samosata. He was a 2nd Century writer who investigated and recorded facts about 2nd Century Christians.
The Chief Apostles is the story of the conflict we find in the New Testament books of Romans and Corinthians. The conflict was between genuine apostles and Paul the made up apostle.
Hates seeks to restore hate to the moral compass. The God of War hated theologians and theologians hate the God of War. Apollos and Paul hated each other, Ukraine hates Russia. Everyone outside of Russia hates being threatened with nuclear holocaust. Self-loathing is revealed a consequence of Russia's Christian past.
The Biological Soul is about innate dualism. Supernatural dualism is cancelled. Amanda Holden's out of the body experience is discussed.
God, Not Nearly so Bad counters the claim made by Richard Dawkins that the God of the Old Testament is one of the most unpleasant characters in fiction.
The First Chapter is in reference to my 2017 essay on existentialism which started my book writing. I include the essay in its original form.
The reader will be surprised by the progress made since the end of the Second World War. New information in fields such as cosmology and evolutionary biology have changed the way we read the Bible. In the case of Christians, it changes the way they ought to be reading the Bible.