The classic poem, Goblin Market (1862) by Christina Rossetti, tells the story of Lizzie and Laura, who are tempted by the fruit sold by the goblin merchants. In this fully illustrated and beautiful volume, illustrator Georgie McAusland brings the words and story to life...
Christina Rossetti's famous narrative poem is a gothic fantasy, dangling two young sisters before sin and death. The lyrical masterpiece is brought to life with haunting illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Lizzie and Laura are best friends as well as sisters...
Experience the temptation, pleasure, punishment, and redemption of Christina Rossetti's brilliant poetic masterpiece in this classic keepsake edition, gorgeously illustrated with Pre-Raphaelite paintings by Christina's brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. First published in 1862,...
Christina Rossetti's famous narrative poem is a gothic fantasy, dangling two young sisters before sin and death. The lyrical masterpiece is brought to life with haunting illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Lizzie and Laura are best friends as well as sisters...
THE STORY: Two proper Victorian sisters, both now grown women and mothers, return to their childhood nursery to relive the haunting memories of their youth. Magically, they are transported back to their girlhood, as their nursery becomes a woodland
'She kissed and kissed her with a hungry mouth'
Goblin Market Christina Georgina Rossetti