Going higher is tough, and can sometimes be extremely hard. I don't think anyone would argue with that fact. As cool and desirable as changing of status might seem, it comes with a lot of responsibilities, born from the womb of intention.
It's not about being ambitious, you just know deep within you that this is no more your level.
Going higher is as natural as an eagle soaring effortlessly up there, while other birds struggle to attain those beautiful heights. Unfortunately, quite a good number of us live below our God-ordained status. We remain at the same level for such a long time, that we become like a river that is not flowing anymore, hence, start losing color, freshness, beauty, purpose for creation, and starts stinking so bad.
Without any doubt, we are convinced that we are made for more, we have outgrown our present space and sphere, but ignorance, fear, and sometimes forces beyond us pin us down to the same spot, whilst we maintain the status quo. We see people and entities far and near go higher because they chose to make those daring moves.
Until there is an inner reaction, there might never be corresponding actions that will birth the change we desire. The good news is that what you need to take that first leap is already in you. All you need is to realize that the low places are crowded and the topmost top where your Creator resides is calling your name each moment, telling you to come a bit higher.
In case what you've read above sounds a bit true, why wait further? Now is the time to wake up, get up, stand up, look around you, react against your present level, and GO HIGHER