Have you ever heard of the term gluten-free and noticed how it's becoming more popular nowadays? Gluten is a component of wheat, that is one of the most omnipresent ingredients in our food today and is the main cause of a lot of unhealthy conditions. The problem is that most people spend a lot of money on ingredients that are hard to find to create, yes, healthier recipes but also flavorless. However, there is a solution Do you need something that explains to you how to make inexpensive recipes, with ingredients that can be easily found in the most common supermarkets? Do you want to make healthier desserts and snacks, without giving up the pleasant taste?
This book is what you need
We hear a lot of people, especially celebrities, opting to go for a diet without gluten. So, what is gluten in the first place, and why do people avoid consuming it? Gluten is a protein that is generally found in barley, wheat & rye, which are the main ingredients of staple food we consume, such as bread, pasta, and cakes. Our human digestive system is not adapt to digest gluten protein.
Most unhealthy conditions, as celiac disease and gluten intolerance, wouldn't have even existed if not for our extremely high consumption of wheat and its derived products. Adopting a gluten-free diet can be the answer to alleviate the harmful effects of gluten on one's health.
Do you know which foods you must avoid? Do you know which foods are potentially harmful and which are not for a gluten-free diet?
You'll find a complete list of these foods in Gluten-free Dessert and Snacks
Nevertheless, there are some foods we always crave once in a while: snacks and desserts are the food we can't stop eating, but unfortunately, it's a given reality that almost all popular desserts are made with ingredients that have gluten in them. Thanks to this cookbook, however, you will be able to learn and cook different inexpensive and easy gluten-free snacks and desserts
In this book you'll find:
- Cakes and Cheesecakes
- Cookies and Bars
- Pies, Tarts, Crumbles
- Cupcakes and Muffins
- Cakes for Special Occasions... and so much more
The diet relieves the symptoms and makes the conditions highly manageable, allowing the patients to live normal lives. Both gluten intolerance and celiac disease are not fatal, but they cause a lot of stress, discomfort, and can affect the daily lives of people experiencing them. Once you adopted a gluten-free diet, your energy level would increase since you would be putting less strain on your gut to digest the food. However, also a lot of people that don't have celiac disease have noticed a marked improvement in their health after adopting a gluten-free diet or even by just cutting wheat off their diet: for example, their energy level increased since they stopped forcing their gut to digest that food If you are facing issues with your health, are suffering from celiac disease, or just aiming to lose some extra weight, you can replace the usual wheat-based cakes, with desserts and snacks there are explained in this book I assure you that you will see a positive change in your life almost immediately, without giving up the pleasant taste of a good dessert