Los Obispos Cat?licos de EE.UU. afrontan su responsabilidad como pastores, preceptores y ciudadanos de contribuir al di?logo nacional sobre las implicancias ?tnicas del cambio clim?tico. En esta declaraci?n, los obispos buscan ofrecer una perspectiva distintivamente religiosa y moral a lo que es necesariamente una complicada discusi?n cient?fica, econ?mica, moral y pol?tica. Los obispos creen que la respuesta al cambio clim?tico global debe ser un signo de su respeto por la creaci?n de Dios.
At its core, global climate change is not about economic policy or political theory. It is about the future of God's creation, about our stewardship of the "earth that is the Lord's" and our responsibility to those who come after. In this statement, the bishops open a new avenue of dialogue in the sometimes convoluted discussions about global warming, offering a distinctively religious and moral perspective on the need for environmental protection as a sign of respect for God's creation.