""Gisippus: A Play In Five Acts, As Performed At Drury Lane (1842)"" is a play written by Gerald Griffin. The story revolves around the character of Gisippus, a young man who is in love with a woman named Sophronia. However, Sophronia is already engaged to another man, Titus,...
Gisippus is a play in five acts written by Gerald Griffin and first performed at Drury Lane in 1842. The play tells the story of two friends, Gisippus and Titus, who fall in love with the same woman, Sophronia. When Sophronia chooses Gisippus over Titus, the latter becomes jealous...
Gisippus is a play in five acts, written by Gerald Griffin and first performed at Drury Lane in 1842. The play is set in ancient Rome and tells the story of Gisippus, a young man who falls in love with Sophronia, the daughter of a wealthy senator. However, Sophronia is already...