Since the 1800's, women have used girdles or in present day language, shapewear, to cover their flaws, to accentuate their best physical features, and to help with their posture. As time has evolved, the shapewear is today a billion-dollar industry because it has become a temporary solution for our body image insecurities. It has, in part, become a security blanket for us and oh, the comfort and confidence we feel when wear one. Even First Lady Michelle Obama admits to wearing shapewear and states, "We all wear them with pride." Imagine if that feeling we have on shapewear transferred to the feelings we have on our great friendship
In this book, Towera explores how we can discern good friendships from bad friendships by using the basic illustration of shapewear. Towera correlates the features of a girdle to the traits of healthy friendships by providing some insights such as:
The sisterhood of girdles and girlfriends The Muffin Top Concealer The Rotation PlanThe goal of this book is to give women an opportunity to be a learner of life-giving friendships and walk away from toxic relationships. Let us strive to be healthy so that the world can be a better place because we lived in it and transformed the lives of others by our friendships.