Truly Devious meets Turtles All the Way Down in critically acclaimed author Katie Henry's YA contemporary comedic mystery, a hilarious send-up of the hardboiled detective genre that spotlights family, friendship, and love. Gideon's short-lived run as...
Truly Devious meets Turtles All the Way Down in critically acclaimed author Katie Henry's YA contemporary comedic mystery, a hilarious send-up of the hardboiled detective genre that spotlights family, friendship, and love. Gideon's short-lived run as...
Truly Devious meets Turtles All the Way Down in critically acclaimed author Katie Henry's YA contemporary comedic mystery, a hilarious send-up of the hardboiled detective genre that spotlights family, friendship, and love. Gideon's short-lived run as a locally famous...
Truly Devious meets Turtles All the Way Down in critically acclaimed author Katie Henry's YA contemporary comedic mystery, a hilarious send-up of the hardboiled detective genre that spotlights family, friendship, and love. Gideon's short-lived run as a locally famous...