Ghost World has become a cultural and generational touchstone, and continues to enthrall and inspire readers over a decade after its original release as a graphic novel. Originally serialized in the pages of the seminal comic book Eightball throughout the mid-1990s, this quasi-autobiographical...
Ghost World is the story of Enid and Rebecca, teenage friends facing the unwelcome prospect of adulthood, and the uncertain future of their complicated relationship. Clowes conjures a balanced semblance, both tender and objective, of their fragile existence, capturing...
To commemorate the tenth anniversary, Fantagraphics Books released this deluxe, expandedGhost World special edition in 2008, combining the original graphic novel, the Oscar-nominated screenplay adaptation by Clowes and Terry Zwigoff, as well as over two dozen pages of rare and...
1998 Ignatz Award Winner, Outstanding Graphic Novel: The inspiration for the feature film and one of the most acclaimed graphic novels ever, following the adventures of two teenage girls, Enid and Becky, best friends facing the prospect of growing up, and more importantly, apart...
Ghost World has become a cultural and generational touchstone, and continues to enthrall and inspire readers over a decade after its original release as a graphic novel. Originally serialized in the pages of the seminal comic book Eightball throughout the mid-1990s, this quasi-autobiographical...
1998 Ignatz Award Winner, Outstanding Graphic Novel: The inspiration for the feature film and one of the most acclaimed graphic novels ever, following the adventures of two teenage girls, Enid and Becky, best friends facing the prospect of growing up, and more importantly, apart...
BOLA OCHO/EIGHT BALL SERIES: 1990-2, 1997-8, 2002-04 HARVEY WINNER; 2002 EISNER WINNER. One of the best-selling and critically-acclaimed graphic novels of all-time, telling the story of two supremely ironic, above-it-all teenagers facing the thrilling uncertainty of life after...