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PsychologyJulie left her life of mistreatment to go to San Fransisco, where her pen pal lives. In the beginning of her journey, Miyax becomes lost in the Arctic tundra until the North Star appears. Her courage and knowledge helped her survive. Jule also remembers her father teaching her how to survive living off the land. throughout her journey in the tundra miyax was kept company through animal companions. It is a story of finding...
Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craighead George is a really interesting and exciting book. The book is about a young girl named Miyax, or Julie to her friend in San Francisco. When Miyax's Eskimo village is no longer safe for her, she runs away and finds herself lost in the Alaskan Wilderness. She is afraid that she will die. After a few days, some Arctic wolves accept Miyax into their pack. Day after day, she struggles to live,...
Julie, an Inuit Eskimo from Alaska, is born with the name Miyax. Because her mother dies when Miyax is barely four years old, Miyax's father, Kapugen, brings her up in the traditional Eskimo ways and teaches her a life of co-existence with the natural world. When Miyax is nine years old, her Aunt takes her away from her father because Julie is suppose to go to school. There she is around Americanized Eskimos, who call...
Julie of the Wolves was a great book. I liked it alot. It is one of my favorite books. It was about a girl named Miyax who was lost in the Alaskan Tundra. She is depending on the wolves whether she survives or not. She only packed a weeks worth of food and was planning on going to Point Hope. Then she got lost in the Tundra. She watched the wolves for several days to find out how to ask for food. She made friends...
A heart filled book that teaches you how important it is to belive in your self and to not give up.Jean George has made a masterpiece that shall not soon be forgoten by its readers.