Get Out Of My Mind by Sotero Navarro is a compelling novel that explores the grim realities of child abuse in our society. Loosely based on true events, this story follows a boy Atticus, whose tumultuous childhood is only the beginning of a more dangerous and demeaning existence in adulthood. This powerful narrative is guaranteed to evoke tears of sorrow and feelings of hope, showcasing an inspiring journey of perseverance through life's ups and downs. Navarro aims to raise awareness about child abuse, urging readers to recognize subtle clues, report incidents, and support education to combat this issue. By reallocating efforts from conflicts and political disputes to protecting vulnerable children, we can create a better future. Drawing from extensive research and interviews, the novel also provides insights into common childhood mental disorders like ADHD, anxiety, autism, and depression. Get Out Of My Mind is not just a story; it's a call to action and a reminder of the sacred trust we hold with children.