George Whitefield, Field Preacher (1901) is a biographical work that tells the story of George Whitefield, a prominent preacher in the 18th century. Written by James Paterson Gledstone, the book provides a detailed account of Whitefield's life, from his early days as a student...
George Whitefield, Field Preacher is a biography of the famous evangelist and preacher George Whitefield, written by James Paterson Gledstone and first published in 1901. The book chronicles Whitefield's life from his childhood in England to his rise as one of the most influential...
George Whitefield, Field Preacher (1901) is a biographical book written by James Paterson Gledstone. The book is about the life and ministry of George Whitefield, a prominent English evangelist and preacher who lived in the 18th century. The book covers Whitefield's early life,...