""George Geith Or Fen Court V2: A Novel"" is a book written by F.G. Trafford and published in 1864. It is the second volume in a series and is a work of fiction. The story follows the life of George Geith, a successful banker who faces numerous challenges in both his personal...
George Geith or Fen Court V2: A Novel is a book written by F.G. Trafford in 1864. It is the second volume of the series and follows the story of George Geith, a successful banker who has a secret past. The book revolves around the events that unfold when Geith's past catches...
""George Geith Or Fen Court V2: A Novel"" is a literary work written by F. G. Trafford and published in 1864. The book is a sequel to the first volume of the same name and follows the life of George Geith, a young man who is trying to make his way in the world. George is a successful...