""George Blunt Wendell: Clipper Ship Master"" is a biographical book written by Carl C. Cutler. The book tells the story of George Blunt Wendell, a renowned American clipper ship master who lived in the 19th century. The book provides a detailed account of Wendell's life, from...
""George Blunt Wendell: Clipper Ship Master"" is a biographical book written by Carl C. Cutler. The book chronicles the life and career of George Blunt Wendell, a renowned captain of clipper ships during the mid-19th century. The author delves into Wendell's childhood, his early...
""George Blunt Wendell: Clipper Ship Master"" by Carl C. Cutler is a biography of a renowned American sailor who was a master of clipper ships in the mid-19th century. The book chronicles Wendell's life and career, from his early days as a cabin boy aboard a merchant vessel to...